Story time...
Story time!!! Okay so we all have those embarrassing moments that at the time it turns your face red, and you just want to hide away from the world because your'e so embarrassed, but you can later look back on and laugh. Well, my entire family has turned one of my embarrassing moments into an inside joke that they still, now years later, are constantly bringing up to me.
Picture this. Its summer after eighth grade year. Its a Friday night, about 2 am. I have a friend over, and we're making the transition to go from my bedroom, which is upstairs, to sleep in the back room of my house so we can be louder (my parents bedroom is next to mine and they had to work the next morning). My back light on the porch is motion censored, and it suddenly turns on, but neither of us were outside. My friend goes to use the bathroom, so me being the little baby that I am, hides down under the kitchen counter until she comes out. After she gets out, we hear a noise outside that scares the both of us, so we decide to go downstairs to the basement.
After being in the basement for a while, he suddenly hear my backdoor close. My sisters were gone that night, my older brother was out with friends, and my parents were in bed. Instead of just calling my parents, I decided to call my older brother and tell him what was going on. He, and about 5 of his friends rush over to our house to check it out. He calls me when he was there and told me he had forgotten his house key and needed me to let him in. Of course, my response was "Are you crazy?! I called you saying I think someone is in our house and you want me to go up to the floor that they would be on??!" WELL, long story short on that, my friend and I gave ourselves a pep talk, held hands, and sprinted up the steps to the door to let in my brother and his friends.
We all start walking around the house as a group, walking into each room of the house all together. When the group of us got back into the kitchen (which is where the door to the basement is), one of us said we had heard something that sounded like it came from the basement. We all listened carefully and another person said he heard something too. So we head downstairs to look around. We check just about everywhere in the basement, everywhere except the crawlspace. We didn't find anyone in the house, and my brother and his friends all hated me because they had to come home and search the house to find absolutely nothing. So apparently the light out back went on because an animal had run past, and the noises we heard were just our minds playing tricks on us.
To this day, my family jokes and says that we should have checked the crawlspace because we have a serial killer living in there. I decided to name our imaginary killer living in our crawlspace, Phil. Now, 5 years later, everytime I have a new friend stay the night, my family always is sure to warn them of Phil, the serial killer living in my basement.